Louis Rosenfeld / Rosenfeld Media 創辦人 資訊架構學作者

Louis Rosenfeld / Rosenfeld Media 創辦人 資訊架構學作者


MIX 2018 講者介紹

Lou is founder of Rosenfeld Media, a provider of books, training, and conferences that have helped grow and change the field of User Experience.

Lou began his career as a librarian, and with Peter Morville looked to bring principles and practices of librarianship to the Internet era in their seminal book Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, now in its 4th edition. They ran information architecture consultancy Argus Associates for years; Lou then worked as an independent information architecture consultant for such Fortune 500 corporations as Caterpillar, PayPal, Ford, Accenture, and Hewlett Packard.

Lou has grown Rosenfeld Media into a publisher of over 30 UX books, a producer of successful conferences (Enterprise UX and the DesignOps Summit), and a provider of corporate training. He wrote Search Analytics for Your Site, co-founded of the Information Architecture Institute and the IA Summit conference, and served as a regular columnist for Internet World, CIO, and Web Review magazines. He tweets regularly @louisrosenfeld

Rosenfeld Media

Rosenfeld Media connects people interested in designing better user experiences with the best expertise available—and in the formats that make the most sense, and in ways that demonstrate the value of UX.

Rosenfeld Media:https://rosenfeldmedia.com/


講題:Falling In and Out and In Love with Information Architecture

「資訊架構」名詞最早出現在 1970 年代中期,由TED創辦人、美國建築師 Richard Saul Wurman 提出,用建築來比喻應該為資訊找出脈絡、化繁為簡,讓人易於尋找與理解,不會在龐雜訊息裡「迷路」。Louis Rosenfeld 和夥伴 Peter Morville 在 1998 年合著的經典《資訊架構學》,將這概念落實成為一門學問、走入業界,進而影響全球成千上萬網路工作者,能以藝術和系統化的思考來塑造資訊產品與體驗。

隨著網路的蓬勃發展,資訊架構的應用和價值也愈來愈高。然而在科技快速變化的過程中,Louis Rosenfeld 也曾經懷疑資訊架構的未來。只是隨著新一波技術的應用,包括行動裝置、物聯網、大數據等,他發現相應的資訊與數據益發龐雜,資訊架構在其中發展空間其實更加寬廣。因此他提出了企業資訊架構的概念,也讓他再次找回愛上資訊架構的熱情。

Louis Rosenfeld 身為資訊架構這領域的開創與推動者,對資訊架構一路走來的轉變與應用都有深刻洞察。藉由他的分享,無論是個人或者企業層次,都有機會瞭解如何將這樣的觀念與視角帶到工作領域中,從中體悟資訊架構的價值。

>> 完整議程

要在網路時代與時俱進,IA 教父 Rosenfeld:首先,認清自己是開創者還是管理者

「It’s good to do foolish things. We should do more foolish things.」

Rosenfeld 受訪時這樣說道。笨嗎?其實是「好傻好天真」,就像他對 IA 的熱情,隨著年紀不減反增。學歷史的圖書資訊人,碰上百年一遇的網路潮……以及泡沫,Rosenfeld 怎麼看 IA 發展呢?「新機會在促進企業內跨部門溝通」,從桌機網站到手機 app 再到物聯網、大數據,網路應用越發達,相應的資訊與數據越龐雜,意味 IA 發展空間越大,讓管理層、員工、客戶三者的認知在同一基礎上,透過奠基於 IA 的企業 UX,將有助統一接收、理解與回應各種資訊,促進跨部門整合,降低本位主義帶來的溝通障礙。

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